New Chapter

As you may of saw in my last post I have started releasing images of

-OVERTONE- Shattering Silence. The feed back has been really nice and over all its just been a great reflection of how far I’ve come.

So what’s so new about this chapter? First, I’m in the process of creating my first artist book. The book titled -OVERTONE- Shattering Silence will feature some unreleased photos of OSS,  my personal journal entries and development with colors from a young age to present time, as well as a place for you to share your reflections of how colors have affected you, any reflection of my work and so on. 

It’s by far the most personal I have ever connected to the public about my work. Combining some of my very first journal entries from the very beginning of my color studies well over 10+ years. My personal development-break throughs with colors and how they’ve helped/affected my Mental Health.   As a young child going through family courts, as a new college student, as a new wife, mother and just as “simple” growth of a young child developing into a woman… I knew Mental Health was one of the most important things that I needed to take care. If I’m not “right” with myself I will have an interesting time connecting with others. Colors have always been there for me. I’ve mentioned plenty of times. My canvas works or hand painted prints are just like journal entries to me. However, it’s not so dot the i cross the t.  I’ve always had art supplies but also journals – notebooks thanks to my mom and even had a really cool one called “Password Journal”. Thanks mom. However, I never had an attachment to keeping them like my art/paintings. I think part of it is the fear of connection or getting too personal…which can come with layers of fear and anxiety for me. Once they were full I had no problem trashing them…never recapped so see the growth. It wasn’t until I really started studying colors(late teens)that really held on. I must have known intuitively how profound this journey was really about to be. Furthermore, I could never imagine that I would be sharing them so publicly. That I can thank my support team… the people that have been here along the way and us too exchange some very challenging times in our lives together. They always seem to have the right amount of “push” that allows me to let go of fear and to just do it. I’m sure this still comes to the attachment of acceptance but it allows my will power to take that leap of faith. 

To bring this all in. I’m currently wrapping up the final stages of this book. I hope to have a preorder sale for them in December.  I have also prints. You can purchase them now on my shop.

Here’s to filling in this chapter…I’m off onto my next journey.


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