Mural Update:

As mentioned in last post, I was invited by the lead designer Alice Mac and CDO Steve Lindee at Ranken Jordan Pediatric Bridge Hospital last winter to design 3 murals for their patient rooms. They are “i spy” inspired and the team picked the themes; Beach , Jungle and MO with a twist. I’m thrilled to share that I have completed them. You can check out the processes of them on my Youtube channel as well as some photos of them on my IG.
Its a bittersweet feeling to have completed these. Excited to be done but got attached to being there and part of the family. There were so many exciting moments just in the short time I was there; what strength and strong courage every single heart has there. As you know this style of mural work I typically don’t do: However, I did get to use all of my color therapy knowledge love and intentional creating just the same. To say the least for now; I’ll miss hearing all the brave conversations and witnessing the magic of strength and courage.
Overtone Updates:
I finished the painting Overtone – Shattering Silence. They are currently preparing/ in the processes of being framed(photo example below). For now you can check my “current work” tab for more information on the series. As well as, all the recordings of me painting them; which include, how to mix colors, the healing properties they carry and my own personal journey using colors as a guide to healing on YouTube. There are also a few close ups of the paintings on my InstaGram . I don’t plan on posting any finished photos of Overtone public until the first or so openings. So, if you haven’t already, please follow, subscribe and show some love to me over there on those outlets so you get any sneak peeks that make be included there. (Please check out the last post for more information on this series).

Also, I have figured out how these pieces will be stored and safely shipped. Which is another check on the list. I’m currently working on the financial part to make this completed part of the project; so don’t forget to check out the “orginals for sale” tab.
The next steps will be (as mentioned in past updates) working with Sarah Corbett Photography. I’ve already met with her and got to check out some book styles, cover texture , page shine and display. This part is very special because its the way I can make sure everyone has the opportunity (from me) to learn about how colors are healing and my healing journey. Great to have in your businesses , share with family and friends. You’ll be able to order your copy through my website each one personalized to you of course after the first gallery opening. I’ll be back to share more on this shortly.
Further more as if that wasn’t already a lot…I have started my next two series of work. They both mean the most to me. They both are dove tailing into deeper layers of my creativity that has been sitting side lines these last couple of years as I started and finish school and worked towards Overtone (which is like a graduation show to me). One has a beginning and end, so to say and the other one can continue for the rest of me(these would be the satellites ; I want to do a few twist and turns with them using vibrations. I’ve started already using satellites as a form of verbal emotional expression on my IG and wrote a little on my website.. they are a rather profound piece of technology that cause different currents/emotions into our day to day lives) The Satellites will represent different frequencies that make different shapes; the vibration tone effect different part of our nervous system creating us to respond with emotions / like , dislike of sound. Plans to play different frequencies into the satellite dishes with paint like / ink like substance in the center and allow it to catch shape over time. (Have you every seen Dr. Emoto water experiment? Similar theory I’m building on but people are the water in my theory tho Im using the dishes to capture it) In hopes this will be live performance piece that becomes captured stillness by the end. It’s similar concept to Overtone-Shattering Silence…with plans to have 90 minutes of silence with the colors/ individual paintings I created..
Looking forward to sharing more as we approach fall winter.
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